Overcome Anxiety At Work

Overcome Anxiety At Work


Overcome Anxiety At Work

How A Happy Wife Builds Your Self-Esteem

     Getting yourself to work is tough and having anxiety at work doesn’t make it any easier. There is a way to overcome this however. Follow along to get a therapist’s perspective.

Overcome Anxiety At Work

Anxiety can make life very difficult. Anxiety at work can get in the way of our ability to provide for ourselves and further our careers. In order to overcome anxiety at work, we first need to understand where this anxiety is coming from. Then, we become aware of our own personal ways to combat it and encourage ourselves throughout this battle.

Understanding Anxiety At Work

Overcome Anxiety At Work

Photography By: Andrej Lišakov

     While we wish we could ignore it, exploring it as actually how we get rid of anxiety. We need to understand anxiety to properly treat it. We need to know where it is coming from if we want to also send it away.

  • What Are Your Symptoms

         Anxiety reveals itself both mentally and physically. How does it present for you? Common symptoms include increased heart rate, difficulty breathing, crippling fear/worry, and difficulty thinking. 

  • Reliving The Past/Destroying The Future

        Just because something has happened once, doesn’t mean it will happen again. Our fears are not our realities. Anxiety tells us to worry about the past repeating itself. Anxiety tells us every fear will come to life.

  • Investment Into Our Future

         Situational anxiety is caused by factors outside of ourselves. Examples of this can be presenting a project or talking to someone who we view as important. Biological anxiety comes from within ourselves.  The disruption of serotonin neurotransmitters can cause anxiety.


What Will Work For You

     I am a firm believer of person centered therapy. Person centered therapy looks at many effective ways to treat mental health symptoms but utilizes the specific ones that would work best for you. Create a plan specific to you combat anxiety at work.

Overcome Anxiety At Work

Photography By: Andrej Lišakov

  • Knowing Yourself

        Choosing honesty over pride, explore who you are. Look at your behavioral patterns and efforts of attempts. We’re not yet judging ourselves, we are only exploring ourselves.

  • What Has Worked For You

        Think about methods or techniques you have used that have worked. Whether big or small, what were those things? While we want healthy choices, let’s also understand why some poor choices may have worked.

  • What Is Ineffective For You

         What have we done that has provided little to no results? What is no longer or has never served our goal of combating anxiety? Awareness will prepare us to create a better plan to treat anxiety at work.

Encourage Yourself, Discourage Anxiety

Overcome Anxiety At Work

Photography By: Andrej Lišakov

Encouraging ourselves is empowering ourselves in our personal battles. It is important that this encouragement is meaningful if we want it to work. Once we know ourselves, we know how to encourage ourselves. Discourage anxiety at work by actually encouraging yourself.

  • Self-Empowerment

         Many times we look to other things or people to lift us up. Unfortunately they may not always be there. Self-empowerment ensures that no matter where you are, you have what you need to persevere…you!

  • What Sounds Good To You

        There are many ways to be encouraging. You can remember times where you were successfully, tell yourself something uplifting, or remind yourself that everything will be ok.

  • Be Kind To Yourself

         This is a process and will take some time. When you do well, congratulate yourself and celebrate. When you fall short, remind yourself that you aren’t perfect but are learning. Doing both of these things encourages us to keep going.

Important Tips To Remember

  • Don’t ignore anxiety, explore it
  • Know the source of your anxiety at work
  • Encourage yourself to discourage anxiety
  • Be kind to yourself

We’d love to hear from you. Comment your thoughts or feelings below on Overcome Anxiety At Work. Be a part of our community. If you’re too uncomfortable for that at the moment but would still like to talk, reach out to us at Info@GrowAgainCounseling.com

Grow Again Counseling

By: Jordan Joachim

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What is a relationship anxiety disorder

What Is A Relationship Anxiety Disorder


What Is a Relationship Anxiety Disorder

How To Overcome Relationship Anxiety

     Whether you are uncertain what you are feeling or feeling anxiety in your relationships, asking what is a relationship anxiety disorder is a good place to start. Follow along as we get you to the answer you are really looking for.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders does not include a relationship anxiety disorder. What you may be considering a relationship anxiety disorder can however be anxiety that has impacted your relationship or anxiety that you are feeling within your relationship. Follow along to get better understanding and overcome this feeling.

If Not A Relationship Anxiety Disorder,
then what?

What is a relationship anxiety disorder

Photography By: Blake Cheek

The good new is you don’t have a relationship anxiety disorder, because they don’t exist. The bad news, is now you are wondering what it can be. Fortunately for you, as therapists, we understand how you are feeling.

  • Distrust

         Feeling as if your partner isn’t loyal or can’t be trusted. Thinking that they are hiding something from you. Believing that their words are untrue and their behavior is manipulative.

  • Worry

        Being troubled by thoughts of being inadequate. Judging yourself harshly in your ability to be a good partner. Obsessing over the idea that your partner is not or can not be happy with you.

  • Fear

         Experiencing the uncomfortable belief of your partner cheating on you. Being negatively effected by the thought that your partner is going to leave you. Contemplating or actually sabotaging your relationship because of the belief that it will be better if you initiate ending things.


Sources of Relationship Anxiety

     For some, this stems from holding onto past experiences. For others, it can be the manifestation of insecurities. We also can not dispel the possibility of these symptoms being the manifestation of another anxiety disorder.

What is a relationship anxiety disorder

Photography By: Blake Cheek

  • Reliving Past Relationships

         While some may see the red flags that were present in their last relationship, others may find themselves reliving this experience despite things being different. Holding onto the past dooms us to make it our future.

  • Low Self-Esteem

        When we have low self-esteem it is easy to view ourselves as inadequate. If we don’t value ourselves, it is only natural that we believe others don’t as well. This makes the though of being cheated on or dumped seem more rational.

  • An Actual Anxiety Disorder

         A social anxiety disorder can be the source of fear of being rejected or humiliated. A separation anxiety disorder can feed our fears of being cheated on or being dumped.

Overcoming Relationship Anxiety

What is a relationship anxiety disorder

Photography By: Blake Cheek

       While a relationship anxiety disorder does not technically exist, relationship anxiety does and is very common. Thankfully, it is something that we can overcome, 

  • Don’t Believe Everything That You Think

         First it is important that you accept that you are not your thoughts. Thoughts are simply assumptions you are making. You are not the things you assume. Next, we must accept that not everything we assume is true. When combating relationship anxiety we must be willing to question our thoughts. 

  • Increase Your Self-Esteem

        When we see and believe our value, we believe others can as well. When we see ourselves as highly valuable, we stop seeing ourselves as inadequate and start seeing ourselves as beings worthy of the highest love. If a partner neglects us, we know it is their loss and seek out someone more deserving. 

  • If you love something, let it go

         Relationship anxiety encourages us to consistently worry and smother our relationships. A healthy relationship doesn’t require stress and manipulation to survive. Be a good person, be in a healthy relationship, and let it go where it is supposed to go. If it is worth love, it will not need to return because it will stay exactly where it belongs.


Important Tips To Remember

  • There is no such thing as a relationship anxiety disorder
  • Anxiety can come from past relationships or insecurities 
  • Don’t believe everything you think
  • Don’t focus on controlling your partner, focus on increasing your self-worth

We’d love to hear from you. Comment your thoughts or feelings below on What is a relationship anxiety disorder. Be a part of our community. If you’re too uncomfortable for that at the moment but would still like to talk, reach out to us at Info@GrowAgainCounseling.com

Grow Again Counseling

By: Jordan Joachim

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successfully overcome anxiety and dating

Successfully Overcome Anxiety And Dating



Successfully Overcome
Anxiety And Dating

Encourage Yourself,
Don't Give Up On Yourself

     Anxiety has the potential to negatively impact our dating and relationships. Although, it doesn’t have to. Follow along, to learn how to successfully overcome anxiety and dating.

Anxiety, believe it or not serves a purpose. The problem however, is that it sometimes takes it’s job a little to serious or shows up when it’s supposed to be off. The key to successfully overcoming anxiety and dating is to understand the purpose of your anxiety, ground yourself, and then encourage yourself to be yourself.

Why Do I have Anxiety?

successfully overcome anxiety and dating

Photography By: George Dagerotip

     Anxiety is a symptom of the body being in fight or flight. Your body is attempting to protect you from something. It isn’t always justified however and being aware of why you are having it, can help us overcome it.

  • Have You Been Through This Before

         If you gone through a trauma or similar uncomfortable experience, your anxiety can be warning you to be careful. Whether your anxiety is correct or not, tell yourself that just because something happened once, it doesn’t mean it is happening again.

  • Fear of Judgement

        Do other’s opinions make you uncomfortable? We all want to be in a relationship but it needs to be with the right person. Take the pressure off of yourself. Remind yourself that you are seeing if this person is a good fit for you. They are also worried about their impression. Moving the concern from yourself to them will help take your mind off of your anxiety.

  • Trying Something New

         Anxiety can arise whether it’s a new type of person, location, or experience. We fear what we don’t know and we don’t know what we haven’t tried. It’s normal to feel a little anxiety surrounding this. Tell your date that this is new for you and they will be reminded when it was new for them as well. Now you have something to relate to, rather than separates you. The bonus is, it won’t be new after this as well.

How To Ground Yourself During
Anxiety and Dating

     One of the best ways to combat anxiety is grounding. This isn’t any different for dating. Grounding is a therapeutic technique to help you stay present and in reality. Here is how we apply it to dating.

successfully overcome anxiety and dating

Photography By: George Dagerotip

  • Take In The Atmosphere

         If worrying about yourself is causing you anxiety, take a moment to take in the atmosphere. What do you smell? What sounds are around you? What can you see happening all around? This brings us back to reality and takes our mind off of ourselves.

  • Where Are Your Feet

        Is thinking about the past or future bothering you? Take a moment to actually think about where you are. Is the seat comfortable? What part of your body feels the most relaxed? Where is your weight being distributed? Being very alert of where we are physically helps us combat thoughts about the past and future.

  • Use Your Date

         Take the pressure off of yourself by using your date. Do what this was all about in the first place. Get to know them by being super observant. What makes the way they talk different from others? Try to notice a unique facial expression they make and compliment it. When they talk, repeat their words in your head. This will make you a better listener, stop you from thinking about what you want to say, and encourage you to say something aligned with what they just did.

Encourage Yourself to Be Yourself

successfully overcome anxiety and dating

Photography By: George Dagerotip

      Trust me, be yourself. You are looking for someone that likes you. We can’t find them if you aren’t being you. If the person your dating doesn’t like you, we can save time by moving on and give our energy to the person who does.


  • I’m Awkward

         Good news, many people find this attractive. It also gives others permission to take off the mask they are wearing. We appreciate genuine people. 

  • I Don’t Know What To Say or DO

        How fun, you now get to date yourself and someone else. Find out who you are by trying and saying different things. It’s a learning experience. Have fun with it. 

  • Encourage Yourself

         We’ve learned where anxiety comes from and know that it doesn’t have to stay. Knowing is half the battle though. We now have to remind ourselves that it is ok and give ourselves permission to be ourselves. That’s right, we can successfully overcome anxiety and dating by giving ourselves permission to be ourselves. When anxiety arises, tell your body thank you but everything is ok. I am safe, this is normal, and I give myself permission to be myself.


Important Tips To Remember

  • Anxiety is a warning but not every warning ends in disaster
  • Use grounding exercises to take control 
  • You want to find someone that likes you, not who you are pretending to be
  • Be yourself

We’d love to hear from you. Comment your thoughts or feelings below on Successfully Overcome Anxiety And Dating. Be a part of our community. If you’re too uncomfortable for that at the moment but would still like to talk, reach out to us at Info@GrowAgainCounseling.com

Grow Again Counseling

By: Jordan Joachim

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Why A Happy Wife Is A Happy Life​

Why A Happy Wife Is A Happy Life


Why A Happy Wife Is A Happy Life

How A Happy Wife Builds Your Self-Esteem

     A saying that is widely known and for good reason. Although, that reason isn’t commonly known. Here’s what a therapist has to say about why a happy wife is a happy life.

Why do people say a happy wife is a happy life? For many people, the answer to this famous quote is that a happy wife sustains an atmosphere of peace and love within the home. Since home is where we rest and recharge, we are getting that necessary nourishment we need to carry on in life. This isn’t all however. When a man is able to bring happiness and satisfaction to his wife, he in return feels fulfilled in his ability to provide. This boosts self-esteem, confidence, and ultimately allows a man to judge his life as good.

Why Did I Get Married in The First Place?

Why A Happy Wife Is A Happy Life​

Photography By: Kateryna Hliznitsova

     As a counselor, I often hear people question their decision to get married. Consistent arguments or disagreements may of caused them to forget. Finding love and then having confidence in their ability to make their spouse and future family happy, is why many feel compelled to get married.

  • To Love And Be Loved

         It’s an amazing feeling to be loved. To give love feels even better. We enjoy knowing someone graciously and happily receives what we make effort to share.

  • Confidence In Your Ability

        While few may of been pressured, no one willingly jumps into marriage thinking they are inadequate. We eventually propose, when we suppose we are able to make life a happily ever after tale. 

  • Investment Into Our Future

         If we could predict divorce, we would never have gotten married. It is our belief that this arrangement will pay off and produce a healthy family that encourages us to marry.


Home is Our Refuge

     When the world stresses us out and our careers tire us out, home is where we go for refugee. Home is where we find peace and solace. When our home is a battlefield, we find ourselves yelling charge instead of taking time to recharge.

Why A Happy Wife Is A Happy Life​

Photography By: Kateryna Hliznitsova

  • Shots Fired

         Even if you choose peace, shots being fired will not allow you to have it. When our spouses are angry, they are irritable. When we are irritable, we are more likely to fight. 

  • Life After War

        Even after an argument has settled, the atmosphere is not pleasant. Depression, anxiety, and guilt may fill the air. Although a peace agreement has been signed, it won’t immediately feel so.

  • Home Is Where The Heart Is

         A home is where we should go to find peace, love, and happiness. Home should fill our hearts, not brake it. A happy relationship or healthy relationship will create that.

A Happy Wife Is A Happy Life, Because A Happy Wife Builds Self-Esteem

Why A Happy Wife Is A Happy Life​

Photography By: Kateryna Hliznitsova

      If our goal in marriage was to sustain and provide for the love that we found, our spouses level of happiness grades our success in doing this. A happy wife tells us we are doing a good job and this in return empowers us to continue doing so.


  • A Feeling Of Accomplishment

         We got married because we believed we could provide. A wife’s happiness is evidence of you doing so. This makes you feel accomplished and proud.

  • A Self-Esteem Boost

        Knowing you are doing good, makes you feel good. Your self-esteem gets this assurance it needs and puts more confidence in your ability. This confidence will travel into other areas of your life as well.

  • Feel The Power

         Men enjoy the feeling of power. Seeing satisfaction on the the face of our wife and knowing that we are crushing our goals is empowering. This in return gives us joy. It makes us happy. It is this that allows us to say that a happy wife is a happy life.


Important Tips To Remember

  • Believe in your ability to provide again
  • Home should be your refugee
  • A happy wife boosts the self-esteem
  • Providing satisfaction is empowering

We’d love to hear from you. Comment your thoughts or feelings below on Why A Happy Wife Is A Happy Life. Be a part of our community. If you’re too uncomfortable for that at the moment but would still like to talk, reach out to us at Info@GrowAgainCounseling.com

Grow Again Counseling

By: Jordan Joachim

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How To Build Trust In A Relationship

How To Build Trust In A Relationship


How To Build Trust In A Relationship

Gaining Or Giving Trust

     Trust is one of the key components of a healthy relationship. So how do we build when we’ve lost it or struggle with giving it away. Read along to learn How To Build Trust In A Relationship.

Whether it has been lost or we simply struggle with giving it away, we’ve found this method to be highly effective in learning how to build trust in a relationship. Trust is built by being aware of human nature but actively working to choose empathy. Trust can then be shared when see the value of being vulnerable, find someone who is worth investing in, and move forward in our decision to participate in the beauty that is life.

Why Is Trust So Important

Why Is Trust So Important

Photography By: Wesley Tingey

Trust is an important part of all healthy relationships. Trust gives us the ability to have confidence in ourselves, our partners, and our relationship. This confidence waters our relationships growth as we are aware that our relationship remains securely planted in the safety of our pot of love. 

  • Confidence

         If I asked you to imagine someone walking with confidence, how would you describe them? That sense of peace, joy, and lack of concern of the opinion of others is what trust can do for our emotional health.

  • Growth

         Relationships reach a standstill without trust. Trust helps our relationships grow from surface level associations to deep emotional connections. Trust opens the cage over our heart and gives love permission to grow freely. 

  • Safety

         Trust also allows us to feel safe and secured. Trust is not a home with the best alarm system, trust is a home in the neighborhood where there are no intruders. Trust allows us to sleep in the peace of knowing that our relationship is free from harm, thievery, and all danger. That is an incredible feeling to have and worthy of our chasing.


How To Build Trust In A Relationship When We've Lost It

Being trusted is an incredible feeling and no one knows that more than the person who has lost it. That, on the contrary, is a horrible feeling. We’re all human but only a few of us are working to utilize empathy to aide our human nature.

How To Build Trust In A Relationship

Photography By: Wesley Tingey

  • Understanding Is Not Excusing, It’s Explaining

         By seeking to understand why someone has wronged us, we give ourselves permission to look outside of our pain and into their heart. When we put our partners hurt from betrayal over our feelings of guilt, we give them the attention and space to heal. We contribute towards their needed healing.

  • Choose Empathy

        Empathy is not feeling bad for others, it’s feeling the bad of others. Empathy is putting ourselves in their shoes, walking in that pain, and deciding we want to help them change them. We want to help them change them because we to want that change. By including ourselves in their struggle, were more willing to pull us out of it.

  • Remind Yourself

         We understand and have made a decision, but it doesn’t stop there. This hurts and it’s in our nature to avoid pain. If we want to push pass this, we have to remind ourselves what we are doing. Actively tell yourself that we are choosing to build trust again. Regularly remind yourself of this plan and remember while it is hard, it is worth it.  


How To Build Trust In A Relationship When We Struggle With Trusting Others

How To Build Trust In A Relationship

Photography By: Wesley Tingey

      Trust is so valuable and things of value are rarely given away. When we find someone worthy however, we must learn to do what is so hard for us. We must learn to water our relationships if we want to enjoy the fruits that healthy relationships produce.

  • Vulnerability Is A Strength

         Trust is vulnerability and society has convinced us that being vulnerable is a weakness. It is the opposite however. Being vulnerable is being brave and taking a leap of faith into our emotional future. Finding comfort in vulnerability is a great way to learn how to build trust in a relationship.

  • Find Someone Worthy

         It’s much easier to trust when we’ve found someone worthy of it. Does this person value our trust? Do they give us there’s in return? Are they there now or are they promising to be there in the future?

  • Practice Builds Patience

        This wont happen over night. It takes time to change and that also takes practice. Thankfully by accepting that we need to practice we are also developing patience as we learn.

  • Enjoy Life

         Trust gives a sense of security. Security builds confidence and confidence gives us a sense of joy. Healthy relationships make life more than enjoyable. It makes life unbelievable. When it’s said like this, we can understand why you doubt what is unbelievable. As hard as it is to believe however, it is true. Why miss out on this experience? Give yourself permission to enjoy life to the fullest and learn how to build trust in a relationship.


Important Tips To Remember

  • Trust gives our relationship permission to grow
  • Understanding is not excusing, it’s explaining
  • Choose Empathy
  • Practice Builds Patience

We’d love to hear from you. Comment your thoughts or feelings below on How To Build Trust In A Relationship. Be a part of our community. If you’re too uncomfortable for that at the moment but would still like to talk, reach out to us at Info@GrowAgainCounseling.com

Grow Again Counseling

By: Jordan Joachim

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Does Couples Counseling Work

Does Couples Counseling Work



Does Couples Counseling Work?

And How Does Couples Counseling Work

     Congratulations, you’re searching for answers. Knowledge is half the battle and that’s true of the question “does couples counseling work” too. As an experienced couples counselor, I’d love to share the answer with you. As a bonus, I won’t just answer “does couples counseling work”, but also how does couples counseling work.

Does Couples Counseling Work

While the process may be complicated, the answer to “does couples counseling work” is simple. The answer is yes. The process and solution, may look different for everyone but the steps remain the same. Being open minded to change, willing to put in the work, and patiently awaiting the results are the fundamental steps in making couples counseling work. 

How Does Couples Counseling Work?

How Does Couples Counseling Work

Couples counseling is when partners meet with a licensed professional to better their relationship. The length in time will vary depending on the need of that couple. During these sessions we learn about ourselves, our partners, and us as a couple. During this period, we learn how to put these new revelations to work. 

  • Finding A Therapist

         It’s a first step and it’s an important one. You want to find someone that you both would be willing to trust and share with. Don’t worry if you get this wrong on the first try. Learning what you don’t like about a certain therapist is as valuable as you do. Call around and ask questions.

  • Meeting Regularly

         Without meeting you and hearing your story, I can’t tell you how often you should have therapy. I can tell you that it should be regular however. Being regular keeps us in a healthy state mentally and keeps our therapist aware of where were at. Plus, if you can’t commit to saving your relationship, how can you commit to your actual relationship.

  • Learn How To Talk About It

         Therapy is not just an opportunity to talk about it, but also to learn how to talk about it. Being effective communicators is a valuable tool. Therapy teaches us how to do this. Therapy is not a space to tear each other apart. It’s a place to build each other back up.


Be Open Minded

     Remember, we cam to therapy because something wasn’t working. Our best thinking got us here. Now is the time, to try something else. Sometimes if we want to see something new, we need to change our view.

How Does Couples Counseling Work
  • Give Your Therapist A Chance

         We know that you know yourself better than anyone else. What you don’t know is that we do this all the time. Many times it’s the option you never thought would work, that makes major improvements.

  • Give Your Partner A Break

        I’m not telling you to excuse poor behavior, I’m asking you to understand it. Exploring who they are and how they became this way opens more than our minds. It opens our hearts to being more empathetic and their eyes to seeing you care. It’s easier for them to care if they know you do too.

  • Learn Something New About Yourself

         Even if we haven’t done anything wrong, there is always something we can do better. There is always ways we can become better. Be open minded to seeing what that would look like for you.

Be Willing

How Does Couples Counseling Work

     Knowing and doing are two big steps. Those steps can seem far away if we miss the step in between them, being willing. It can be tough, here’s our tips to get you there.

  • You Don’t Have To Like It 

         The hardest part of willingness for most is that they are waiting to feel it. You don’t have to feel up to it or even want to do it, willingness is doing it regardless. Don’t beat yourself up if you aren’t feeling it yet. Do it because you need to, not because you want to.

  • Get Fed Up

         Relationship issues can be frustrating, depressing, and aggravating. Change is hard but not as hard as staying in those feelings. Get fed up with not changing. Get fed up with complacency and do something to change yourself. It is worth it!

  • Encourage Yourself

         Use positive self-talk to encourage yourself. We beat ourselves and each other up enough. By helping yourself through self-encouragement, you will also be learning how to encourage your partner.


Be Patient

How Does Couples Counseling Work

     Everyone want’s their problems to disappear over night. I wish this could happen for you too. It is a process however and for some people, some steps are longer than others.

  • Everyone’s Different

         There are things that you may get or do better than others. If you get something faster than your partner, it becomes an opportunity for you to practice patience, empathy, and healthy teaching skills.

  • It’s A Process

         It’s going to take time. We’ve gone through this article quickly, but some of these stages can take many a long time to truly grasp. Many good things can happen during that time. Be patient.

  • Rinse, Wash, And Repeat

         There are going to be times when you swore you were passed this already. You weren’t, repeat the process and be kind to each other. Your getting closer. There are going to be times where you successfully clean out some dirty laundry. Guess what, laundry never ends. As you continue to work and play as a couple, your going to make some mistakes and create new stains. Now that you understand this process you can rinse, wash, and repeat. 


Important Tips To Remember

  • It works if you work it.
  • Have an open mind.
  • Practice willingness.
  • It doesn’t happen over night. Be patient!

We’d love to hear from you. Comment your thoughts or feelings below on “Does Couples Counseling Work”. Be a part of our community. If you’re too uncomfortable for that at the moment but would still like to talk, reach out to us at Info@GrowAgainCounseling.com

Grow Again Counseling

By: Jordan Joachim

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Disrupting Anxiety About Anxiety Symptoms

Disrupting Anxiety About Anxiety Symptoms


Disrupting Anxiety About Anxiety Symptoms

How To Stop Anxiety

     Having anxiety feels unfair, but having anxiety about anxiety seems cruel. It is a circle of anxiety feeding anxiety that needs to be stopped. Continue reading to learn about disrupting anxiety about anxiety symptoms.

Disrupting anxiety about anxiety symptoms starts with understanding where and why you are having anxiety. Try not to fight your anxiety. Try to understand it. Your body is talking to you, so listen and take part in this conversation. Once we understand the anxiety and have the ability to communicate with it, we’re ready to bring our mind back to a place of peace.

Why Am I Having Anxiety About Anxiety Symptoms?

Why do I have anxiety?

Photography By: Andrej Lišakov

     Anxiety has a purpose. It may not always be correct or for good reason, but anxiety is actually trying to serve you. Once we can understand our anxiety, we can begin to correct it.

  • Anxiety Has A Purpose

         What do a smoke alarm, alarm clock, and police siren have in common? Yes, they are all loud and annoying but they have a purpose. They are attempting to warn us and get our attention. While they are uncomfortable in that moment, they are trying to help. Anxiety believes it is trying to do the same. It is attempting to warn or caution us about something we are worried about.

  • Your Body Is Talking To You

         As our heart rate increases, we find it hard to breath, and we begin to sweat, our bodies are telling us we are in fight or flight. The release of adrenaline that we feel while we pause turns into anxiety. Our body is telling us fight or run away. If our body is incorrect, then we need to learn how to talk back to it.

  • Anxiety About Anxiety

         When we don’t understand our anxiety, we don’t know how to deal with it. If we don’t know how to deal with it, we are going to be afraid of it. Now we are not only feeling anxiety but we are also fearing having the anxiety itself. It’s vicious cycle to be in. Let’s step out of the cycle of having anxiety about anxiety symptoms.


Ride the Wave

     Naturally, we want to fight this feeling of discomfort. This is a bad idea however. Rather than solving our problem, we’ve entered a lifelong agreement to compete with it. Be like a surfer, rather than fighting those huge waves of anxiety, learn how to surf them. Consider the next section a free surfing lesson.

Disrupting Anxiety About Anxiety Symptoms

Photography By: Andrej Lišakov

  • Understand Where It’s Coming From

         This is the first step. Think about what triggered this feeling and when we first started experiencing it. If our body is trying to warn us, why is this so dangerous? Has this warning helped us before and do we need it now.

  • What Has Worked For You In The Past

        What have you used in the past to soothe this feeling? Thinking about this gives us more than a tip of what to do, it reminds us that we have the ability to get through it. If you have gotten through anxiety without an understanding of it, imagine what you can do with an education on it. Know you will get through this and create healthy ways to calm your mind.

  • It’s Going To Be Ok

         Now that we understand where it is coming from and are aware that we have the ability to push through, we can tell ourselves to relax. We can tell ourselves that we don’t need to be afraid. We are safe and it is going to be ok. Get involved with the conversation of your body. Once your mind understands this, actually tell your body that is going to be ok.

Enjoy Life Again

Disrupting Anxiety About Anxiety Symptoms

Photography By: Andrej Lišakov

      The goal is for us to understand what anxiety is and how to deal with it. Being aware of our history and ability, we remind ourselves that we are going to be ok. Once we are able to turn off that alarm clock, we can wake up and get back to enjoying our days.

  • False Alarm

         Anxiety is a warning, but not all warnings end in disaster. Once we are aware of this, why allow this annoying alarm to continue. Tell your body that it was just a false alarm.

  • Turn Off The Alarm

         After a repeated pattern of false alarms, we can begin the final step. We can now turn this alarm off. Unfortunately, there is no button for this. This happens naturally on it’s own as we repeatedly get through each anxiety attack successfully. Don’t worry it gets easier. It get’s better!

  • Get Back To Enjoying Life

         What would you do if you didn’t have anxiety? Where would you go? Who would you love? This is who you are, not your anxiety. Now that anxiety no longer has any power over you, get back to doing you. Get back to enjoying your life.


Important Tips To Remember

  • Your body is talking to you
  • You have the ability to get through this
  • Remind yourself that it will be ok
  • Some alarms are just false alarms
  • Turn off the alarm, wake up, and enjoy your day

We’d love to hear from you. Comment your thoughts or feelings below on Disrupting Anxiety About Anxiety Symptoms. Be a part of our community. If you’re too uncomfortable for that at the moment but would still like to talk, reach out to us at Info@GrowAgainCounseling.com

Grow Again Counseling

By: Jordan Joachim

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Money Stress Is Killing Me

My Money Stress Is Killing Me



My Money Stress Is Killing Me

How To Save Yourself

       If you’ve ever said, “my money stress is killing me”, you’re not alone. Many people have felt that way. Fortunately, many people have changed that as well. Let’s see how we can help you.

Money Stress Is Killing Me

Money and bills are a large part of life that impacts other parts of our lives as well. It’s no wonder why many people have said, “my money stress is killing me”. There are two ways to solve that problem. The first and most important is to change the way we view money. The second is to change the way we handle it. Follow along to save your financial life.

Why Money Stress Is Killing Me

Money Stress Is Killing Me

This may seem like an obvious answer, but it’s not that simple. It is not just your bills that it is killing you, but your mentality towards your finances as well.

  • Bills

         Bills never stop coming. This is not the problem however. It is to be expected. Our problem is that we weren’t prepared to handle those bills in the first place and now they are piling up. When you can’t handle your regular bills, handling them times two or three becomes impossible.

  • Income

         If we were making more, we’d be able to afford more. This would obviously handle the pressure of our bills. This is not always true however. Many begin to make more and because of this, spend more. So while we gained more income, we also gained more bills and find ourselves right back to where we started. This can be even more depressing and frustrating than we felt before this increase in money.

  • Self-Worth        
        If you are not making as much as you are worth or for the lifestyle you are drawn to, it hits our ego hard. It shames us and shame is a dangerous feeling. It doesn’t just stop growth, it can reverse it. It is this shame that can kill us as well.

How We Should View Money

Money like everything else is impacted by how we view it. Our perspective doesn’t just impact our feelings to problems, but also our solutions.

How we should view our money
  • Buying Things

         We all love fancy things and that’s a problem. When you love things, you need more things. What we should love is what we have. Gratitude is the lesson that money blinded us to.

  • Is it Worth It

        Sometimes we look at an item or service and believe we need it or can afford it. It is advantageous for us to look at the long term effects of this purchase or commitment. Is this something that I will lose interest with, have to replace for something else, or wont’ give me the mental peace that I need. Is this something that will become a long term debt and add to the items that make me say that my money stress is killing me.

  • Am I Worth It

         This question goes deeper than the previous. Yes a bill may be expensive and come with fees or fines, but ask yourself am I worth it? More specifically, is that bill worth your mental health and peace. It may be more expensive to worry about this bill. It may be better the solution to do what is best for your mental health.

How We Should handle Money

How we should view our money

Money is a tool and all tools work best when handled properly. Money is more than just spending and saving. Money has multiple and proper ways of use.

  • A Firm Grip

         If money is a tool, then we should handle it like one. We should hold onto it with firm grip, meaning be intentional and aware of what we are doing. With a loose grip we will drop our tool or lose our money. I’m not saying to be stingy or greedy, I am saying to be aware and intentional of the power our tool withholds.

  • Lifetime Warranty

         The best tools have a lifetime warranty. They are something that we can use for the rest of our lives and pass down to our children. That’s how we should view our money, will this debit or credit effect my lifetime warranty. Will this remove or contribute the lifetime of my money. 

  • Multiple Uses

         The best tools aren’t used for only one job but multiple. If a one purchase or bill wipes out your money, then you just wasted your tool on only one job. It is important that we are responsible and act sparingly with our money. Never spending more than we have or than what we can currently afford. Remember, if we spend it now, we wont have it late but if we save it now, we can have more than enough for more time to come.

  • Talk To A Supervisor

             No one on a job site should be without proper training and money happens to be a very difficult job. Talk to your supervisor or a professional to give you the training you need. They may even be someone who at one time also said, “my money stress is killing me”.

Important Tips To Remember

  • Money is just a tool
  • Our perspective is extremely important
  • Money requires proper training
  • Talk to someone who understands money better that you

We’d love to hear from you. Comment your thoughts or feelings below on My Money Stress Is Killing Me. Be a part of our community. If you’re too uncomfortable for that at the moment but would still like to talk, reach out to us at Info@GrowAgainCounseling.com

Grow Again Counseling

By: Jordan Joachim

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Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

Expert Guide To Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms


Expert Guide To
Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms and General Anxiety Symptoms are commonly confused. Understanding the difference is essential in solving the problem.

Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

Some of the common Social Anxiety Disorder symptoms include an increased heart rate, sweating, trembling, body tension, difficulty breathing, and trouble concentrating. This is similar to General Anxiety Disorder, except Social Anxiety comes from social situations. Follow along as we explain this in better detail.

Physical Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

Physical Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

While anxiety starts in the mind, it doesn’t end there. The body is all connected and informs us of our anxiety physically. 

  • Heart Rate

         One of the most common symptoms is an increased heart rate. This is your bodies natural response to fear. You are now in fight or flight mode.

  • Sweating

         Heavy sweating can be embarrassing and realizing this can worsen your anxiety. This is due to nervous system responding to the stimuli of fear. 

  • Trembling/Shaking        
         Adrenaline has been released and your body wants to react. Instead of fighting or running however, we are staying in place and shaking.

  • Body Tension  
         As our oxygen restricts and our blood vessels constrict, our bodies tighten up. This can be felt in the chest, face, hands, and many other places.
  • Difficulty Breathing      
         While it may feel as if you are having less air, you are actually breathing more or over breathing. Your body is taking quick and short breaths as it prepares to run. Staying still however, makes this breathing difficult.

Mental Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

What’s worst feeling this way or realizing that you are feeling this way. Anxiety can be set to repeat when it is stuck in the mind.

Mental Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms​
  • Difficulty Concentrating

         Adrenaline is not here to help us think. It is here to help us react to our instincts. It can become very difficult to remember, think, or even talk as we normally do.

  • Fear of Being Judged

        We fear what we do not know and we do not know what others are thinking of us. For this reason, we worry about whether we are being judged or made fun of.

  • Fear of Public Places

        Realizing that being afraid of one person brings great discomfort, tells us that a crowd is virtually impossible. 

  • Fear of People We Are Attracted To

        Whether it’s the opposite or same sex, people that we find attractive can bring great anxiety. We may find ourselves uncomfortable being near these people and avoid relationships all together.

  • Fear of Successful People

        If we are afraid of being judged, we naturally place fear on people that we believe would judge. We assume that these people will spot our mediocrity and make us feel ashamed.

Wrong Things To Do

Wrong Things To Do

We are correct and looking to solve our problems but the method we choose is very important. Here are some common poor choices.

  • Abusing A Substance

         Alcohol is commonly referred to as liquid strength but strength comes from facing problems not hiding. Like all substances, this does not cure our problem. It may even create more!

  • Hiding

         While there is a time to rest and get grounded. Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms are not cured by locking ourselves up inside the house. 

  • Ignoring It

         Your body is communicating with you and ignoring it is not getting the message. The more we try to suppress, the more the body works to remind us.

  • Giving Up

           You are not the only person to have experienced and you too can share how you overcame it. Don’t give up, give yourself a chance to get better. It is more than possible.


What Can You Do

What Can You Do

Now you are asking the right question and congratulation, you are already past the first step!

  • Personal Research

         By doing research and reading articles such as this, you are starting your journey of understanding and conquering your Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms.

  • Understand Yourself

         Rather than hide or suppress your feelings, understand them. Listen to your body and realize what and why it is communicating this message. 

  • Remind Yourself

         Once you understand what and why it is happening. Remind your body and mind that it is safe. If you don’t need to run or fight, remind your body that this is a time for peace. Some extra tips to do this is by breathing exercises, grounding ourselves, or meditating.

  • Talk To A Professional 

          You don’t have to do this alone, in fact it would be better if you talked to a professional. Obtain a better understanding of what and why this happening and conquer it for good.


Important Tips To Remember

  • Your body is in fight or flight
  • Your mind believes you are being judged
  • Don’t suppress or hide this feeling
  • Remind yourself that you are safe
  • Talk to someone about it

We’d love to hear from you. Comment your thoughts or feelings below on Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms. Be a part of our community. If you’re too uncomfortable for that at the moment but would still like to talk, reach out to us at Info@GrowAgainCounseling.com

Grow Again Counseling

By: Jordan Joachim

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New Year's Resolution Ideas

60 New Year’s Resolution Ideas


60 New Year's Resolution Ideas

In Some Of Our Favorite Categories

In this article, you’ll find a list of some our most impactful New Year’s Resolution Ideas. We’ve also created a great system to help you create your own. Click below if your interested in learning our method to creating the best New Year’s Resolution Ideas or continue reading if you are just looking for some quick and impactful suggestions.

New Year's Resolution Ideas

Setting and sharing a New Year’s Resolution can be exciting. We’ve created a list of some of our most impactful New Year’s Resolution Ideas and put them into various categories. Find the perfect one for you and then share this article with a friend!


New Year's Resolution Ideas Health

Setting a New Year’s Resolution around our health is always a good idea. Our health is extremely important and impacts us in so many ways of our lives.

1.) Commit to a daily diet that allows for regular rewards.

Find a diet that interests and would benefit you. We’ve found that by rewarding ourselves regularly for our hard work, we continue to stay committed. 

2.) Attend the gym or workout from home for several days a week.

This is good for so many reasons. For one, it reduces our chances of negative consequences to our health. It also will raise our self-esteem as we see results.

3.) Take several walks a week around your neighborhood or local trails.

Don’t kid yourself, walking is so good for you. It reduces heart disease, hypertension, and high cholesterol to just name a few.

4.) Commit to a regular workout class such as Boxing, Zumba, or Cycling.

These classes help us meet our cardiovascular goals quickly but also give us an extra social group.

5.) Commit to juicing fruits and veggies daily.

Enhance your immune system while getting nutrients absorbed quickly into your body.

6.) Take needed vitamins and supplements daily.

Taking our needed vitamins makes sure we don’t miss out on anything our body is deficient in. 

7.) Drink water regularly.

Water helps from your skin, to your mood, your performance and so much more!

8.) Get the required amount of sleep daily.

This is just not to keep us  from feeling tired. Our sleep also contributes to muscle recovery, mood, and immunity.

9.) Get up and stretch daily.

This is your sign to get up and stretch. Increase your blood circulation, muscle tension, and flexibility by stretching regularly. 

10.) Work to reduce your salt and sugar intake daily.

Sugar contributes to obesity and diabetes. Salt contributes to high blood pressure and increases our chances of heart attack. Let’s work to reduce them.

Mental Health

Let’s not forget about our mental health. For some reason, it doesn’t get half the attention that our physical does. Congratulations on changing that!

New Year's Resolution Ideas Mental Health

11.) Pray or Meditate daily.

This is more than just a spiritual practice. This gives our brains the opportunity to destress, find peace, and communicate it’s needs. 

12.) Commit to seeing a therapist regularly.

Everyone and I mean everyone can benefit from communicating with a trained professional. Find out how you can now versus later.

13.) Commit to taking medications regularly. 

Whether you never have or never have consistently, give yourself a chance to see how beneficial taking your medication regularly can be.

14.) Tell yourself a positive affirmation every morning.

What better way to start the day than with some encouragement. This will set the tone for the day and soon become an all day habit.

15.) Revaluate your day. Give yourself credit and feedback daily.

Take time to think about the day in a healthy way. Give yourself praise for everything good and think about how to improve what wasn’t.

16.) Journal your thoughts and feelings daily.

There’s something special about putting your thoughts on paper. Become one with your thoughts and witness your growth as you return to them.

17.) Have a sing and dance session several times a week.

Singing and dancing have the power to change our mood, attitude, and perspective. Schedule a session regularly to combat anxiety and depression. 

18.) Practice deep breathing daily.

Focusing on deep breaths aides our circulatory system and grounds us. Utilize this to get yourself to place of peace and proper focus.

19.) Practice self-care regularly. Try things like massages, relaxing in the bath tub, or taking yourself on a date.

Self-care is our personal treat to our mind and body. Treating yourself feels good but also encourages us to keep going.

20.) Be kind to yourself daily.

Refrain from negative self-talk. Forgive yourself when you make mistakes. Tell yourself why you love yourself daily, especially the times where you don’t believe it.


New Year's Resolution Ideas Relationships

Relationships are a key experience in our lives. Working on our interactions with others and ourselves is a sure way to make this year better. 

21.) Get to know, love, and revaluate yourself daily.

Understanding and loving who we are helps us show others how to love us too. Fall in love with yourself!

22.) Commit to setting healthy boundaries.

If we don’t respect ourselves, others won’t either. Setting boundaries is how we love ourselves and show others too.

23.) Talk to someone new once a week.

A great way to build social skills is to be social. It can be small talk, just find time to talk.

24.) Ask someone how their doing and ask them to explain.

A great way to work on relationships is to become a better listener. Practice this by creating spaces to listen.

25.) Compliment someone daily.

Nothing builds relationships like making others feel better. Compliments are an easy way to do that.

26.) Talk about your feelings regularly, despite how uncomfortable it is.

Suppressing our feelings is bad for mental health. Find people you value and practice expressing yourself.

27.) Spend time with friends or family once a week.

Socializing doesn’t come naturally for everyone. If it’s something we want to get good at, we have to make it a habit.

28.) Commit to calling a friend once a day.

Build relationships and encourage others by just saying hello.

29.) Attend various networking events regularly.

This is a great way to meet new people and create new opportunities. You’d be surprised by how many people are doing the same.

30.) Avoid toxic people at all costs.

Not only will these people ruin your relationship skills but they’ll damage your mental health as well.

Click here to learn about toxic relationship signs.


Good Habits

Let’s start this new year with some positivity. Below you’ll find some New Year’s Resolution Ideas that are sure to become good, no great habits.

New Year's Resolution Ideas Good Habits

31.) Read a book a month.

Entertain yourself while stimulating your brain. Learn and become something new.

32.) Make your bed every morning.

It sounds insignificant but it’s the first win of the day and reveals our discipline. No excuses!

33.) Open the door for a stranger whenever possible.

One of the easiest ways to make someone feel valuable. Do it without wanting a thank you as well.

34.) Smile at someone every day.

Make someone feel better and so will you.

35.) Write a daily gratitude list.

Nothing changes your attitude like gratitude. Making this a daily habit will increase your appreciation for life.

36.) Compliment yourself throughout the day.

Isn’t it nice to get a compliment. Imagine how nice it would be to get this from your worst critic all day.

37.) Find a cause and volunteer regularly. 

Volunteering changes our perspective on what’s important and increases our empathy for others.

38.) Find someone to mentor and guide them regularly.

Give someone your time and guidance, then watch how good you feel inside.

39.) Define one thing you need to complete, complete it, and then discover the next.

Make it a habit to complete the things you start. This is much easier when we give these things our focus.

40.) Maintain your life balance.

Don’t let a goal get in the way of the other positive areas in your life. Be aware and maintain your life balance.

Bad Habits

New Year's Resolution Ideas Bad Habits

Not this year! Let’s end it here. Let’s put an end to those bad habits getting in the way of your growth.

41.) Quit Smoking.

Stopping this bad habit could literally save your life and your wallet.

42.) Quit or reduce drinking.

Save your relationships, self-worth, and change your life by removing this one thing.

43.) Stop putting others down.

You are not making yourself better by putting others down. Your actually bringing yourself down too.

44.) Stop people pleasing.

We think are being kind by this but we are hurting ourselves. Love yourself better!

45.) Commit to saying no.

Sometimes it feels awkward to say it but that’s ok. Boundaries exist for a reason, use them to protect yourself.

46.) Start saying yes.

How many things, opportunities, or relationships have we missed out on? Give yourself a chance and say yes.

47.) Commit to drug free lifestyle.

Drugs lied to us. They don’t make life better, they make it worst. Learn to experience life without altering it.

48.) Stop overspending.

The instant gratification of buying things is hurting your financial future. Stop spending and start saving.

49.) Stop oversleeping.

Sleep is important but needs to be balanced. Don’t miss out on your dreams because you overslept.

50.) Quit beating yourself up.

Want to do better, encourage better. Encourage yourself by lifting yourself up, not tearing yourself down.


New Year's Resolution Ideas Finances

Working on controlling your finances is also a way to build self-control, security in the future, and increase your self-esteem.

51.) Don’t spend any unnecessary money for three months.

This will not only help you save some money, but will open your mind as to how much you need to spend.

52.) Create and maintain a monthly budget.

Control your spending and saving by knowing the number you can afford to do regularly.

53.) Create a three month nest egg.

This is a safety net we have in case of emergency. Have enough money to support yourself for three months.

54.) Open a life insurance plan.

Nothing shows responsibility like being there for your loved ones when you are no longer here.

55.) Start a business.

Increase your income by starting a business. This can be a second form of income or become a primary.

56.) Start Donating or Tithing.

Both spiritual and wealthy people agree, giving doesn’t just make us feel better. It makes us financially better.

57.) Open an investment account.

Start putting your extra money to work. Let it grow while you invest.

58.) Pay off all credit card debt.

Interest from debt is eating away at your finances in the future. Put an end to it now.

59.) Repair your credit.

Credit is important. It’s our financial grade that we can use to get us good rates or special privileges.

60.) Open and contribute regularly to a retirement fund.

Your future self will take you. Do what many later regret, invest in your financial future.

Important Tips To Remember

  • Take care of your body and it will take care of you
  • Your mind needs to be loved
  • Good relationships take practice
  • Good habits take time
  •  Spend less and give more

We’d love to hear from you. Comment your thoughts or feelings below on New Year’s Resolution Ideas. Be a part of our community. If you’re too uncomfortable for that at the moment but would still like to talk, reach out to us at Info@GrowAgainCounseling.com

Grow Again Counseling

By: Jordan Joachim

Contact Us

