Jordan Joachim

New Year's Resolution Ideas

New Year’s Resolution Ideas



The Best
New Year's Resolution Ideas

and how To Achieve Them

       Whether you can’t decide on what you want your New Year’s Resolution to be or are frustrated with not completing them in the past years, I’ve complied a list of the best New Year’s Resolution Ideas to help you change that. Follow along as we build a new you from start to finish.

New Year's Resolution Ideas

The best New Year’s resolution ideas are more than just a trendy goal. They are well thought out, planned, and executed smart goals that produce lasting change. Choosing the best New Year Resolution ideas are not about what sounds the best to you, they’re about choosing what actually is the best for you. Here are some great suggestions to guide you on your journey to build your “New Me”.

Know Yourself

who are you

     One of my favorite questions to ask when I’m conducting group therapy is, “who are you”? That is a question many people struggle with. If you want to complete your resolution successfully, you have to be able to answer it right. Once we understand who we are, we’ll know what we need.

  • Take A Look In The Mirror

         If it feels awkward, you need to do this more often. Staring in the mirror reveals our connection to our inner self. While during this, think about your personality, character, and tendencies. 

  • What Do You Do Well

         Start by commending yourself. Tell yourself, “I am proud of the way you…” and fill in the blank. Think about any achievements, changes, or characteristics that are positive about you. Take a couple minutes to bask in that. 

  • What Can You Get Better At       
         Without beating yourself up, be honest and think about some things you can get better at. What are some things people have been bringing up to you? Think about some reoccurring mistakes, bad habits, or character flaws.

The Best New Year's

Resolutions Ideas Are Planned

We put some thought into learning who we are, now we have to put that same energy into how we achieve. Plan how you’ll accomplish your goal around what works best for you. 

Plan for success
  • Know Your History

         In the past, what tactics have worked best for you? What hasn’t? Do you better when you work on something daily or take more of a relaxed approach?

  • Plan For Roadblocks

        Somewhere along the way, something will come up that will make our goal harder to get to. These things happen. Make sure you have a spare just in case you get a flat. This can be a reliable friend you can call, a motivating book you can read, or any other routes you can take if one road seems blocked.

  • Get A Head Start

         Every day is a chance to start over. While a new calendar encourages this more naturally, we don’t have to wait for January 1st to start. In fact, we shouldn’t. It will be so much easier to accomplish our goal if we start practicing it now!

Be Smart About It

Smart goals

 Smart Goals follow a formula that increase our chances of being successful. S.M.A.R.T is helpful acronym we use to remember this. 

  • S: Specific
     Being specific about our goals allows us to really understand what we are aiming for and how to go about it obtaining it. 


  • M: Measurable
     Being able to measure a goal helps us see our progress. We can measure length in  time, total amounts, or frequency. These are just a few!

  • A: Achievable
     We need to be honest with ourselves and set goals that we can accomplish. Achieving goals encourage us to continue moving forward and set more.
  • R: Relevant

     Set goals that fit into the landscape of your bigger picture. If my long-term goal was to become a successful photographer, taking 5 pictures a day for a month would be relevant. 

  • T: Time-bound

     Adding a deadline to our goal encourages us to take it seriously and also gives us motivation to stay persistent as that date gets closer.


Still Need Some Ideas?

 I know, you were hoping I’d just give you a list of ideas and you could pick the one that sounded the best to you. That however is not how we find the best New Year’s Resolution ideas. I encourage you to give our method a chance and discover what truly would work best for you. While you are doing so, here are a couple goals that might be right for you.

Helpful Ideas
  • Health Conscious

     Is your health not doing well. Are there certain activities that are contributing to this. If so, this a great resolution to set. Commiting to a new diet, exercising, or following the recommendation of a doctor are great choices.

  • Bad Habits

      What’s that habit that’s been holding you back? What is stopping your personal growth? Changing a behavior pattern, getting sober, or setting and commiting a new boundary sound spot on.

  • Relationships

      Relationships may be one of the most important aspects of the human experience. Do we need to work on being social? Do we need to stop allowing certain types of people into our lives? Do we have a poor relationship with ourselves? Setting relationship goals are a fantastic way to work on personal and social growth.

Treat Yourself

      Also, don’t forget to give yourself a break. No one is perfect. Your going to make mistakes. Accept this and love yourself into getting back onto the horse. When you are doing well, treat yourself with a healthy goal orientated reward. This will encourage you to continue moving forward in this goal and get better in setting the next.

Treat Yourself

Important Tips To Remember

  • We can’t know who we’ll become until we learn who we are
  • Don’t wing it, plan it
  • Use Smart Goals
  • Treat Yourself

We’d love to hear from you. Comment your thoughts or feelings below on The Best New Year’s Resolution Ideas. Be a part of our community. If you’re too uncomfortable for that at the moment but would still like to talk, reach out to us at

Grow Again Counseling

By: Jordan Joachim

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Money Can't Buy Happiness

Money Can’t Buy Happiness


Why Money Can't Buy Happiness

and why you think it does

       Wee see the super wealthy with luxurious items and tell ourselves, “if I had money, I’d be happy”. What if I told you that many wealthy people aren’t. Money can’t buy happiness because money doesn’t actually make you happy. It could buy things that we think make us happy, but that’s not how happiness works. Follow along and I’ll explain.

Money Can't Buy Happiness

Money is a tool and tools don’t fix problems, the person who knows how to use the tool does. Happiness is internal. This means it comes from within and can’t truly come from anything outside of ourselves. While money can’t buy happiness, it can help us begin to understand it. Providing safety, nutrition, and experiences are a few ways it can do this, but our attitude will ultimately determine whether we are happy or not.

Money can't buy Happiness,
but it can have your needs Met

Food and Shelter

     Unless you live in a society that trades goods, money is a necessity to buy the things we need. Food, shelter, and clothing provide us with nourishment and a sense of security. While these are things to be happy about, the truth is they don’t make you happy.

  • Food

         We need food to stay alive and food costs money. Being alive makes us happy. Therefore we need money to be happy, right? Nope, wrong! Technically you can obtain food without money. Food banks and growing your own food make this possible. Talk to someone who has struggled or recovered from an eating disorder and you’ll learn that food is not the source of happiness.

  • Shelter

         Buying a home is a dream for many. It is something that leaves us with a sense of achievement. While it is something to be proud of, that pride doesn’t last. With time things break, neighbors upset us, and taxes rise. Rather than realizing that homes aren’t what make us happy, we begin searching for a bigger or “better” one.

  • Romance        
         As horrible as it is to admit, being wealthy does increase your chances of obtaining more dates. Those dates unfortunately, may be with people who too don’t understand happiness. Deep down we are looking to be loved and it’s hard to get this from someone who doesn’t truly understand it.

The Illusion of Happiness

We get so close. We complete tasks and obtain things that have the power to change perspective. We fall short however and give money the glory. This is an illusion and when you discover the trick, you end up feeling cheated.

The Illusion of Happiness
  • Buying Things

         We all love fancy things and that’s a problem. When you love things, you need more things. What we should love is what we have. Gratitude is the lesson that money blinded us to.

  • Experiences

        Traveling the world. Doing things many people are unable to do. Being treated differently. These are all things that have the power to leave us feeling special. Instead, it is that sense of special that leaves. It’s our lack of contentment that fuels this ongoing chase and money has it’s foot on the gas.

  • Obtaining Goals

         Getting yourself out of debt. Doing well in our careers. Having the commitment and consistency needed to save large amounts of money. All great things but it isn’t the things we should be celebrating, it’s us. We were almost there but rather than looking at ourselves we assumed that it was the goals that made us happy. So we set more and more as happiness drifts further away.

The Quest For More


      One thing that the love of money is great at, is the quest for more. This is greed at it’s core. Having enough but believing more is required. More doesn’t bring happiness any more than less does, only enough can do that.

  • Never Satisfied

         As soon as having more becomes our goal, we have doomed ourselves for failure. You can never have more because as soon as you think you got it, you realize there is more to get. It is an endless chase with no finish line.

  • Greed and Happiness Can’t Co-exist

         Greed believes it needs more to be happy and happiness believes it already is. More and enough are not equals.

  • It’s an Inside Job

         Happiness comes from within and no one can sell that. It’s a realization, a change in perspective. Ever see a homeless person smile? Ever see a rich person angry? Money doesn’t control that. We do! Our goal should not be to get more things but to get more satisfied. I am not telling you to sell all your possessions, in fact I think you can get more but not until you realize that you have enough. When you have enough, anything extra only makes you more grateful and happy to be alive. 


Money Can't Buy Happiness,

But Enough Can

     Don’t chase money, chase enough! This should of been our goal in the first place. Rather, we thought it was more and took a wrong turn on the quest for happiness. Some of us may have gone so far down that path, that it has become harder to become happy. Our distractions have blinded our vison as to where to go. The key is to always remind ourselves that we have enough. Before or after we make a purchase, remember we already have enough. This will only increase our gratitude as we are reminded and remain satisfied with what we have.

Important Tips To Remember

  • Fulfilling your needs is not all you need
  • Buying expensive things is a cheap trick
  • Having more is an endless conquest
  • Happiness Comes From Within
  • Don’t chase money, chase enough

We’d love to hear from you. Comment your thoughts or feelings below on Money Can’t Buy Happiness. Be a part of our community. If you’re too uncomfortable for that at the moment but would still like to talk, reach out to us at

Grow Again Counseling

By: Jordan Joachim

Contact Us


Healthy Relationship Boundaries

Healthy Relationship Boundaries



Healthy relationship Boundaries

What should or Shouldn't You Allow

       Healthy Relationship Boundaries are the lines we set to protect and help our relationship. Boundaries determine how far we can go and when to say no. Follow along to learn the boundaries we use to determine if our relationship is healthy or toxic.

Healthy Relationship Boundaries

If you are having a hard time setting healthy relationship boundaries, the first place to start is with another healthy and functioning couple. Then define what is healthy to you and communicate effectively. Handle each other with care and don’t be afraid to give each other a little space.

If Your Not Looking Up,
Your Looking Down


Why don’t we learn about relationships in school? One of the most important topics is never taught. This is why it’s important you find a healthy couple to look up to. Befriend them, study them. and ask them for advice. If you don’t have a role model to look up to, you’ll find yourself looking down on yourself.

  • Model The Role Models

         Many people can tell you who their role models are but few actually model them. What’s the point of having a model, if you aren’t working to replicate them. See what their doing right and practice that. No seriously, actively practice it.

  • Find Yourself In Someone Else

         Maybe you don’t want to stop being who you are. Great, I am not asking you too. I am asking you to envision how you personally would adapt these traits and make them your own. You are more than your mistakes, you are also the great qualities you haven’t found yet.

  • What Are They Doing Wrong         
         No one’s perfect and that’s the same for no two. Your model couple has a lot to learn from and some of those things is their mistakes. Discover what they are and learn from them. A great role model couple will even be willing to share.

Setting Healthy Relationship Boundaries

Couple Conversating

Setting boundaries works best when you both agree on where the line should be. This ensures no one is confused but also gives you two a chance to work together on the future of your relationship. This is a valuable experience. 

  • What’s Our Vision

         First start by describing what the both of you see as being healthy. This is where we set the common goal we will be working towards.

  • What Makes You Smile

         Help your partner share what behaviors make you happy. Ask them what does the same for them. Educate your partner on what you’d like to see more of.

  • What Makes You Cry

         It is important that we address the things that hurt us. Sometimes we assume that it’s obvious, but were all so different. Help each other understand how not to hurt each other. 

Words Reveal The Heart

Talking Couple

One of the easiest ways to determine if your relationship is healthy or not is by the words being used. Healthy relationship boundaries determine whether our words are bringing us down or lifting us up.

  • Share Your Intentions

         Sharing your intentions is a great way to stop manipulation. If we are honest about what are true intent is, we can stop ourselves from tricking our partners into doing what they are unaware of. 

  • Honesty

         One of the greatest characteristics to have. Set the line where no lies are acceptable. Whether small or big, this is a line we choose not to cross if we want to keep our relationship healthy. This is not an excuse to hurt feelings without feeling guilt. This is encouragement to discover ways to share our feelings without damaging others.

  • Two to One Ratio

         You have two ears and one mouth. Make it the standard to listen more than we talk. Listening more is not being quiet. You can be quiet and not hear a word. Listening more is giving your partner a chance to express themselves and actively working to understand what they are trying to say. Since we are talking less, we are choosing our words wisely. This means when we are listening to not only what our partner is saying but why their words were so important for them. This builds incredible conversation skills!


Handle With Care

Handle With Care

If you had a rare precious gem how would you handle it? Exactly, treat your partner better than that. Unlike a gem, we can be damaged more than just physically.

  • Respect My Mind

         Set the boundary of never doing anything to hurt anyone’s mental health and only doing things that help it. Avoid gas lighting and start putting out mental fires.

  • Love My Heart

         Protect each other’s emotional state. Be each other’s peace when the world get’s chaotic. Be each other’s rock when you need support. Healthy relationships don’t brake hearts, they mend them.

  • Violence Is Never The Answer

         I wish this went without saying, but the sad truth is many people think hitting or being hit in their relationship is normal. I’m not sure where you learned this, but unlearn it fast. There is never a scenario where hitting the person you love is healthy. If you are experiencing any type of abuse, please call for help now!

National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1(800) 799-7233


Boundaries Require Space

Giving someone space is not a bad thing. It also may not be what you think. Let’s wrap up on the last of our healthy relationship boundaries.

We'll Be Back Soon
  • Be Right Back

         It’s not goodbye, it’s I’ll talk to you later. Talking at the right time provides the right results. Give each other space to cool down or gather your thoughts. Not only will you get to your solution quicker, it’ll be less painful too.

  • Take Your Time

         We’re all different and so are our internal clocks. Does your partner need a little more time to get over something? Healthy relationships don’t force the healing process. Don’t prioritize removing your guilt over healing your loved one’s heart.

  • Couples Need Me Time Too

         Someone wanting to spend some time by their self is not a bad thing. It’s actually very good for us. Healthy relationships don’t guilt partners that want to do self care. Health relationship boundaries realize that we do better when you feel better.

Important Tips To Remember

  • Find a healthy couple to look up to
  • Define your boundaries with your partner now
  • Watch how you talk to each other
  • Handle each other with care
  • Give each other space

We’d love to hear from you. Comment your thoughts or feelings below on Healthy Relationship Boundaries. Be a part of our community. If your too uncomfortable for that at the moment but would still like to talk, reach out to us at

Grow Again Counseling

By: Jordan Joachim

Contact Us


Toxic Relationship Signs

Toxic Relationship Signs


toxic relationship signs

Learn the signs we struggle to see

       Toxic relationship signs may be hard to see at first. Don’t be hard on yourself if this article points out some things that may of been in front of your very eyes. They say love is blind, and it’s hard to see signs when we aren’t seeing clearly.

Toxic Relationship Signs

To your defense, we never learned about relationships in school. Math and science are extremely important but if your like most people, you interact with people far more than you do geometry. So why aren’t we learning toxic relationship signs in school? Relationships are simply our interactions with other people and sometimes those interactions are unhealthy. The same way unhealthy foods taste good at first, after some time unhealthy relationships hurt us physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Two Eyes Are Better Than One

Social Support

     If were blinded by love, than we need to find someone that can see clearly and is willing to lend their eyes. Hey, what else are friends for? Well, many things but this just happens to be one of those things. Friends can help us see things from a different perspective. This brings us to our first few signs.

  • Keeping us away from our friends

         A toxic partner can’t afford for you to see them for who they are. Therefore, they try to keep you away from the people that would warn you.

  • Discrediting our friends opinions

         If you do begin to listen and share some of your friends thoughts with your partner, they will quickly belittle or dismiss their opinion. A healthy relationship considers others opinions, a toxic relationship shuts them down.

  • Making us leave our friends for theirs

         Our friends tend to have our backs and a toxic partner knows this. One toxic relationship sign is your partner attempting to make you trade out all of your friends for theirs. This is especially true if their friends support their toxicity.

I want all of you for myself

It sounds romantic at first. You want all of me?! This however, is a red flag. Think of the famous quote, sharing is caring. When you love something, don’t you enjoy talking about it, showing it off, and encouraging others to try it out for themselves. Sharing your partner isn’t in terms of intimacy. Sharing your partner is letting others enjoy them socially.

Toxic Stare
  • Stopping Our Social Life

         A toxic partner may shame you for wanting to do things without them. They may accuse you of cheating. They may even claim they have trust issues to guilt you into only being around them.

  • Never Allowing For Alone Time

         While it’s nice to have someone to do things with, it’s unhealthy to no longer be allowed to have your me time. Some toxic relationships rob us of the important time we need for ourselves.

  • Getting In The Way of Our Careers

         If trust issues prevent us from being social, fear prevents us from being productive. Some toxic partners fear that by you becoming better, you’ll realize that you deserve better and eventually leave them.

When it was good, it was good

Passion led us here

A toxic relationship, doesn’t always feel that way. In fact, sometimes it’s a great beginning that helps us forget it’s terrible present. A toxic partner uses the good times to help you not see your currently in the bad.

  • Manipulating

         Toxic relationships are magical. They make one thing appear like another. Toxic partners are great at twisting things, people, and situations into their favor

  • Gas Lighting

         Have you ever uncovered a truth and had your partner try to make you feel crazy. This is gas lighting. Toxic relationships take away your beliefs by making what you believe seem crazy.

  • Talking Down

         Toxic partners realize that the best way to get someone to stop fighting them is to convince them they cant. Talking down and belittling someone is a tactic to lower their self-esteem and self-worth.


Hurt People Hurt People

Maybe we don’t know what caused our partners to act this way, maybe we do. Either way, them being hurt is NO EXCUSE for them to hurt us. It is not ok!

  • Abusive

         Toxic relationships are abusive. They cause physical, emotional, or mental abuse. Abuse hurts us in the present and in our future. Abuse does not stop or go away on it’s own. Please get help now!

National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1(800) 799-7233

  • Degrading

         Toxic relationships are humiliating and disrespectful. Toxic partners need to destroy your self-esteem in order for their relationship to exist.

  • Take Advantage

         Toxic partners take advantage of us. They will use you up for whatever you will give up. Whether it is your time, heart, finances, or body.


Listen to Your Heart

I don’t believe you found this article by mistake. You’ve learned some toxic relationship signs, so now let’s put them to the test. If it’s still difficult to see, let’s adjust the contrast of this picture.

He Loves Me Not
  • Do you feel valued? (not used)

        Does your relationship make you feel valuable? Being valuable and used are two different things. In fact, the most valuable things are the things we are afraid to use. Do you feel like the most valuable person in your partners life because of who you are and not for what you can do. One way to test this is to stop doing things and see how they react. 

  • Do you feel empowered? (not tied down)

       Does your relationship make you feel better than before? Does being in your relationship make you feel better than you were before. If you were to leave your relationship, would you feel free? If breaking up feels like breaking loose, you were being tied down.

  • Do you feel loved? (would you treat someone the way they treat you)

       This is a tricky question. It’s easy to think someone wanting us around or telling us sweet things means that they love us. But love is an action word. Do their actions say you are being loved or manipulated? If you saw someone treating someone the way you were being treating, would you call it love? Would you treat someone the way you are being treated? 

Important Tips To Remember

  • Use your friends, they can see things we can’t
  • You shouldn’t be their world, just an admired part of it
  • Not everything is as it seems, question yourself and them too
  • Just because they were hurt doesn’t mean you have to be too
  • Ask yourself, is this what love would do, NOT say

We’d love to hear from you. Comment your thoughts or feelings below on Toxic Relationship Signs. Be a part of our community. If your too uncomfortable for that at the moment but would still like to talk, reach out to us at

Grow Again Counseling

By: Jordan Joachim

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How To Reduce Holiday Stress

How To Reduce Holiday Stress


How To Reduce Holiday Stress

3 Steps To enjoy The Holidays

       If your wanting to learn how to reduce holiday stress, you are not alone. They say it is a time of joy, laughter, and thankfulness. Then why do so many of us approach the holidays with fear, anxiety, and remorse. Follow along as we learn together how to reduce holiday stress.

How To Reduce Holiday Stress

     First things first! Before we learn how to reduce holiday stress, we need to learn where our stress is coming from. Avoiding our problem will not make it go away. We may get really good at ignoring it, but the truth is that it still is effecting the way we act and react. The sooner we face our problems, the sooner we can begin to solve and resolve them.

Worry Less

     At first, this may not feel good. We are essentially asking ourselves to face the problem that we found necessary to avoid in the first place. It will be worth in the long run however. Trading temporary discomfort for long term satisfaction is a great deal!

      For many people it may be an argument that we had with family. For some, it may be the realization that we aren’t with family. Are you already struggling financially? If so, the added expense of the holidays will not help. There are many possibilities as to what your true problem is and maybe you need the help of a therapist to discover it. All of these problems follow the same faulty thinking over.

Aligning Our Expectations With Our Reality

    This is the 2nd part of learning how to reduce holiday stress. Once we determine, what our true problem is we can begin fixing it. There are two ways we can align our expectations with our realities. We can either adjust our expectations or our realities. Are we, or is life being unfair?

how to reduce holiday stress
working together

     If we are being unfair, it means we are setting to high of an expectation. Are we asking someone to get over something that we haven’t processed correctly? If so, we can approach them with love and ask how we can help. When life is being unfair, we have to work level the playing field. Did we have unexpected expenses that are preventing us from making the purchases we desire? If so, now is the time to create a budget. Our expectations will not align themselves. We need to put in the work to make them harmonious with our realities.

Enjoy Your Holiday!

The last step often seems like the most obvious. Enjoy your holiday! What does this truly mean however? Now that we have discovered and resolved our problem, our job is to truly understand what this holiday is about. Whether our holiday holds religious significance, is about being grateful, or just about having fun, we need to make this our focus. Our problem is no longer allowed to get in the way of our celebration. Spend some time truly understanding the purpose of your holiday and commit yourself mentally to experiencing it. Don’t just have a holiday, truly become a part of it.

3 steps to enjoy your holiday

Important Tips To Remember

  • The holiday is not really your problem
  • Discover what your problem really is
  • Align your expectations with your reality
  • Discover what your holiday is really about
  • Really celebrate and enjoy your holiday

We’d love to hear from you. Comment your thoughts or feelings below on How To Reduce Holiday Stress. Be a part of our community. If your too uncomfortable for that at the moment but would still like to talk, reach out to us at

Grow Again Counseling

By: Jordan Joachim

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What is your best marriage advice

What is the best marriage advice?



What is The Best Marriage Advice?

The most important thing for every marriage

When I got engaged, I enjoyed asking older couples “what is the best marriage advice”? I wanted to make sure my marriage lasted but also enjoyed hearing the variety of answers. Everyone has had a different experience, but one thing is true for us all.

What is your best marriage advice

If someone were to ask you, what is the best marriage advice, how would you answer? You may respond with one of these commonly shared but powerful responses…

  • Communication
  • Trust
  • Honesty
  • Patience
  • Loyalty

While all of these are incredible core principles, alone they are not enough to supply you with a happily ever after ending.

Happy Relationship

Focusing on communication helps us to address our needs but also requires that we listen to our partners. Trust gives us permission to live without fear. Honesty keeps us aware of where we are at while simultaneously opening the gate for us to move forward. Patience gives us the opportunity to grow while loyalty is a barrier that allows us to safely do so.

So what is the best marriage advice? All of these principles may create the perfect landscape for a happy marriage, but they will not keep your garden a paradise forever. As any gardener will tell you, landscaping is not easy work. It requires consistent weed pulling, watering, and replacing of nutrients. This brings us to the best marriage advice you can use.

Never Use Cruise Control

We know the principles mentioned before have the ability to help us tremendously in our marriages. Our problem is that once we teach ourselves to apply them, we believe that we no longer have to focus on them. Cruise control is the system in our car that maintains our speed and encourages us to not worry about our pace anymore. That is a major problem.

couple driving
Couple facing each other

Marriage is a constant monitoring of ourselves and partners. Cruise control tells when our speed is set, everything is fine but it is not. We need to adjust with where we are, where our roads turn, and what pace out partners are currently at. As soon as we assume that we no longer need to focus on our marriage, the metaphorical vehicle transporting our love, we are heading for collision. 

Important Tips To Remember

  • Communication is both listening and talking effectively
  • Trust creates a healthy atmosphere without fear
  • Honesty maintains our awareness of the present so we can move into the future
  • Patience gives us time to grow and the ability to understand
  • Loyalty is our hedge of protection
  • Never stop monitoring , adjusting, and correcting our utilization of these principles

We’d love to hear from you. Comment your thoughts or feelings on what is the best marriage advice below. Be a part of our community. If your too uncomfortable for that at the moment but would still like to talk, reach out to us at

Grow Again Counseling

By: Jordan Joachim

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Why do people hurt or cut themselves

Why do people hurt or cut themselves?


Why do people hurt or cut themselves?

Understanding thoughts of Self-Harm

     Why do people hurt or cut themselves is difficult question to answer. Difficult to answer because there can be a variety of reasons. It is something that someone who has thoughts of self-harm may not even be able to answer. We feel our perspective can make it easier to understand.

Why do people hurt or cut themselves

I think our first mistake when asking this question is we are looking at it from a mathematic approach. We think in terms of “well, if you are in pain, why would hurting yourself help? Pain plus pain does not equal relief”. This might make sense mathematically but psychologically or philosophically, not so much.  In fact, some might even argue that it does in fact bring them relief. Some might argue that before cutting they feel bad but during cutting those feelings go away. This makes understanding why those who have hurt themselves repeat this behavior. This helps us understand the question why do people hurt or cut themselves. It is during their self-harm where they believe they have found relief. They believe they have found something that gives them relief but only during this act. This encourages them to repeat it. It is however, a temporary relief and the only possible relief they see as obtainable. Imagine how frustrating it may be to see no solution to your problems/pain. Imagine discovering that the only relief you found to be effective is to hurt yourself. It’s a scary and shameful thought. It hurts our self-esteem and lowers our self worth. The act and shame that follow, unfortunately encourage us to continue in this behavior. We may tell ourselves not only is this the only thing that helps but the only thing that we also deserve. This is an untrue thought however and one we can overcome.

What if I told you that you are not so different from everyone else? Instead of asking, why do people hurt or cut themselves, we should ask why do all people. Cutting is actually similar to how a lot of people handle their problems. Please make no mistake, I am not excusing or condoning self-harm. However, understanding human nature and our reaction to adversity can help combat shame. This can also help us see that we are not alone. So let’s dig into that. Let’s take a look at how most people treat their problems. It is not uncommon to hear someone share of a difficult experience they are going through or have been through, and find ourselves surprised when they handle it well. In fact, many times we here people respond by saying things such as, “Wow, if that was me I would of” or “I can’t believe you didn’t” fill in the blank with a shameful reaction. We almost expect for us to act inappropriately when in the midst of adversity. Now that I think of it, what if this is our appropriately? The fact that we are shocked by someone acting in a healthy manner during a major stressor tells a lot about human nature. When we are cut off in traffic, we feel the need to flick that person off. When someone insults us, we think of an insult for them. When we are having a bad day, we want to drink our problems away. When we are unsatisfied with our partners, we have thoughts of cheating. True, while none of these reactions may cause physical pain or physical scarring. They do effect us emotionally and can scar us mentally. By nature, we like to think of our physical and mental selves as very different but they have more in common than we think. These negative responses, like cutting may bring a temporary feeling of relief but they too hurt us in the long run and can be habit forming. Getting angry to combat feelings of anger, using a depressant to fight feelings of depression, or adding to our relationship problems by adding problems to our relationship is the same logic as someone who uses pain to take away from their pain. Metaphorically, one could even argue literally, many of us use self-harm in attempt to solve our problems. This perspective helps us to see that we aren’t so different after all.

Question Your Thoughts



Did you know you are not your thoughts. Your thoughts are merely an idea or opinion created by you but they are not you. That means just because we think something, we don’t have to follow through with it. Has every idea or opinion you’ve had been true? Remember this the next time you have a thought to hurt yourself? Just because I think it, doesn’t mean I should do it. Not all thoughts deserve to become actions. Here are some things we can do to stop thoughts of self-harm from becoming actions.


Talk About It

Some people think talking about thoughts of self-harm will make it worst. That is not true. In fact, talking to someone about you feelings is shown to decrease the chances of you acting on it. It’s important we are talking to the right person however. Talk to professionals and friends that lift us up.

Accept That These Are Just Thoughts

Understand and tell yourself, that this is just a thought. It is not something that we have to do. It is just a symptom of how we are currently feeling and acting on it will not make things get any better.

Commit to Getting Help

Make a deal with yourself to get better. Commit to the process of healing. Whether it’s through a support group, mental health counselor, or someone you can trust, talk to someone about what you are feeling. Trust the process and give yourself a chance to see how beautiful life can become.



When we ask the question, why do people hurt or cut themselves we can’t forget about mental health. Mental illness is often an accomplice of self-harm. Mental illness creates the landscape that allows these thoughts to grow.  It is extremely important that we work with licensed professional to address our mental health needs. Often times we can decrease and even eliminate thoughts of self-harm by treating our mental health. Whether it’s through therapy, medication, or a combination of both, it is important that we do not avoid getting the help that we need. Please talk to someone today!

Dial: 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

We’d love to hear from you. Comment your thoughts or feelings on the article why do people hurt or cut themselves below. Be a part of our community. If your too uncomfortable for that at the moment but would still like to talk, reach out to us at

Grow Again Counseling

By: Jordan Joachim

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How to build self-esteem

How To Build Your Self-Esteem


How To Build Your

Learning to Love Yourself

Self-esteem is the spark to our flame. The gas to our car. If it’s low, we barely go. The good news is, like gas it is able to be refilled. Today we share advice on how to build your self-esteem.

How to build self-esteem

While there have been studies that show self-esteem and optimism to be genetic, there are no studies showing this can not be changed. In fact, many people have shared that they didn’t always have low self-esteem. They were impacted in some way that changed them. While this is saddening, it also tells us the reverse can be true. If you can lose your self-esteem, you can also gain it.

looking in mirror

The key point in learning how to build self-esteem is to remember that it is our value and confidence of our selves. This makes our mission seem more obtainable. Remove the idea that you are trying to change who you are and replace it with you are changing how you view who you are. So how do we change how we view ourselves?

How To Change How We View Ourselves

Do Esteemable things

Do things that make you feel good about yourself. Help others. Set and achieve obtainable goals.

Set Boundaries

You won’t respect you if you allow others not to. Stop letting others take advantage or mistreat you.

Learn to say yes/no

If you are missing out on opportunities because of fear, practice saying yes to things that are making you uncomfortable. If you have let other people or things get in the way of your happiness, start telling them no.

Surround yourself with people that lift you up

We are already struggling with low self-esteem. We don’t need friends that make this harder for us. Instead, find people that encourage you to be better and lift you up when your feeling down.

Reward yourself

A positive reinforcement is a reward that encourages us to continue doing what were doing. By rewarding ourselves, we are not only encouraging our growth but making it enjoyable for us to continue doing the work.

Forgive Yourself

Forgive Yourself

Remember, when learning how to build your self-esteem to be kind to yourself. You are changing a perspective that you have had for a long time. It is an adjustment and you might not always get it right. Forgive yourself for the mistakes you have made and the ones you will in the future. We are working to life ourselves up, not tear ourselves apart when we fall short

We’d love to hear from you. Comment your thoughts or feelings on the article how to build your self-esteem below. Be a part of our community. If your too uncomfortable for that at the moment but would still like to talk, reach out to us at

Grow Again Counseling

By: Jordan Joachim

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How To Deal With Suicidal Thoughts

How To Deal With Suicidal Thoughts Or Cutting



How To Deal With Suicidal Thoughts
or Cutting

Changing Our attitude About Who We Are

       The thought of learning how to deal with suicidal thoughts or cutting can be overwhelming. We may not even know why we are having suicidal thoughts. We may doubt if they’ll ever go away. Whether you are asking for yourself or are asking how to deal with suicidal thoughts with a teen, it is important you know that these thoughts CAN go away. With proper care and guidance, you may find life to be better than you ever imagined. 

How To Deal With Suicidal Thoughts

     “What’s wrong me”? This is a common reaction many people have when they realize they are having suicidal thoughts or thoughts have self-harm. It is a question that can go in the right direction. Unfortunately, instead of looking inside we often look on the out. Instead of examining what differences have been happening within us, we look at the differences between us. We compare ourselves to our peers, family, or role models. We look at how they look and compare it with how we feel. That is not fair!  Looks can be deceiving and we may not know truly what others are struggling with, but this is still not the point. The point is that we are aware of what is troubling us, we are aware it is not correct, and we become aware that this is not who we are. When learning how to deal with suicidal thoughts, it is important that we change our self talk from what is wrong with me, to WHAT IS WRONGING ME? This little change in phrasing makes a big difference. It encourages us to stop comparing ourselves to others which can make us feel worst. It encourages us to start thinking about what is happening within us. It encourage us to discover what is making us think this way.

Looking in mirror

These thoughts may be bad. Our actions may be bad. Our loved ones reactions may be bad, but we are not. The truth is, we are looking for a solution and that is not bad. Our only problem is the solution that we’ve come to. Looking for a solution is a good thing. Choosing the wrong solution is not. Similar to someone addicted to a substance. They are not bad people. They are hurt people who are using a substance in an attempt to heal. We can’t beat people up for looking for a cure to their pain. We can however lift them up and help them see what works best. The solution, like the problem, does not come outside ourselves but from within. Let’s examine some reasons why we preferred these wrong solutions and how we can change that.

Trauma tells us that we are incapable. Tells us that we don’t have enough or are enough to get through. These are qualities of low self-esteem and self-worth. Suicide for many is not just their last resort but what they believe as an only resort. The truth is that it is neither. Low self-esteem tells us that there is no other way. We believe ourselves when we think that we are unable to change, get help, or turn our lives around. We tell ourselves the lie that us going away is the only way for our problems will. This is a double lie, as our problems which could of went away never went did. Instead, they only get passed around to everyone else. You, like many of us, also have the ability to change. Low self-esteem is a contributing factor keeping you from doing so. So our goal now must turn from harming our self to encouraging our self in an effort to raise our self esteem. 

     Raising our self-esteem can be compared to the gas we put into our cars to push us forward. You’ll get a lot farther with a full tank than one running on fumes. There are other things that may get in the way of us moving forward efficiently. There may be other things getting in the way of our ability to help ourselves. Depression can be compared to flat tire. Making it difficult for us to move or feel as if we have any life in us at all. Trauma can be compared to a faulty anti-lock braking system. Triggers or false warnings may be initiating emergency braking causing us to get into other accidents. Anxiety may be causing our engine to shudder as we lose confidence in our ability to steer. The chemical balance of our brain can be compared to our engine lacking the proper fluids required for it to perform as intended. Our mental health is extremely important for our success in defeating suicidal ideations or thoughts of self-harm. Due to this being our own mental health that is suffering, we can not do this alone. We need help from others in a better position and with a better understanding than ourselves. We can find this in support groups, therapy, and through the taking of proper medications.

Happiness is not as far you may think

This is something that has been very difficult. The fact that we are considering hurting our self or taking our life, tells us that we believe happiness to be either an impossibility or too far away. The truth is, happiness is not just at the finish line. Many of us have shared that it was the process of self-discovery, the learning of what abilities we had within, and the moments of clarity that we had along the way to be some of the best moments of our lives. Some of us look back in regret. We wished we enjoyed this incredible process more during the journey instead of always thinking about the future. Happiness begins right now and I encourage you to embrace it in this journey today, rather than looking back at it tomorrow.

Walking Together

Healing Together Is Healing Better

Healing Together is Healing Better

Despite how your feeling, your not alone. There are many who are currently and more importantly have in the past felt like you. They’ve learned how to deal with suicidal thoughts. By talking together, we protect and uplift each other.

Dial: 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

We Can Be Heroes

Realizing Your A Hero

We are at the beginning of our journey and like with any beginning, it is hard to see the end. You may find this hard to believe because where you are today, but in the future you are hero. Heroes usually have tragic origin stories and yours is no different. Overcoming these thoughts and behaviors is heroic. You will have persevered when others have given up. You will have saved others from being deeply impacted by your loss. Others that you may not even have realized. Others that were struggling too. If you also choose to do so, sharing your story will be like you using your powers to empower and raise awareness to others. Friends and family will look to you with pride. They will be amazed by your strength and achievements. They will see you as more than someone who has learned how to deal with suicidal thoughts but as someone who overcame great depths. You will have become a role model, no hero to which they look to for inspiration in their time of need.

Important Tips To Remember

  • You are not bad, your solution is
  • Nothing is wrong with you, something is wronging you
  • Believing in ourselves starts with raising our self-esteem
  • Happiness is not as far as you think, in fact it can begin as soon as now
  • DON’T fight your own battle, enlist the help of healthy friends and educated professionals

We’d love to hear from you. Comment your thoughts or feelings on the article how to deal with suicidal thoughts below. Be a part of our community. If your too uncomfortable for that at the moment but would still like to talk, reach out to us at

Grow Again Counseling

By: Jordan Joachim

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